Selected Work

writing by Scott Benzel : “Psychic Driver: Andrew Moses’ information operations”

covert sonic military intelligence devices in feedback

voice-to-skull devices, MOSQUITO malware, Smirnov and Poynting vector emitters, and Hemi-Sync difference tones accessed by four custom, wheel-based string instruments

Live at Indexical, May 2024 | live at PHASE Gallery, April 2024 and more documentation

Firmament, 2022

neural audio synthesis, transducers, contact microphones, cordage, paint on acrylic

13 x 10 x 5 ft - shown at Lime Gallery, 2022, and PHASE Gallery as part of Telepathic Radiation Causality, 2023

Cryptogamaechrome or Three Electromagnetic Devices for Synthetic Telepathy, 2023

model of Franz Mesmer’s baquet, model of William Tiller's unimprinted electronic device, model of ODINI malware, Faraday cage, Dell Optiplex, Raspberry Pi, magnetometer, EMF meter, tripod, cordage

54 x 60 x 36 in. - shown at UTA Artist Space LA, January-February 2024

Slaughtered Ox, 2022

glass, contact microphone, spectral analysis, sinusoids, speakers, speaker wire, bungee cord, plywood, screws, inkjet on film paper

dimensions variable - shown at D300 Gallery, 2022