
Audio Block
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for clarinet, string quartet, and piano

The ensemble accesses and maximally reinforces high, otherwise untunable difference tones through the accumulation and juxtaposition of individually tunable harmonic ratios. Throughout the piece, the collectively reinforced difference tones gradually descend from 22 Hz to 1 Hz.

members of International Contemporary Ensemble—Emmalie Tello, clarinet; Josh Modney, violin; Yezu Woo, violin; Wendy Richman, viola; Ashley Walters, ‘cello; Jacob Greenberg, piano

commissioned by Hear Now Ursula Krummel 2024; premiered at FRANKIE as part of Hear Now Music Festival 2024


excerpt from end of Mvt. I through middle of Mvt. IV

I, River; or Digital Noise, Analog Spectrum

II, Interfacial Biune Feedback

III, 8:7 Spiral Feedback


for ‘cello, percussion [re-tuned vibraphone, re-tuned crotales, and tundersheet], and electronics

Oliver Herbert, ‘cello; Haruka Fujii, percussion; Andrew Moses, electronics

commissioned by Oliver Herbert and Toolbox Percussion; premiered at Kwai Tsing Theatre in Hong Kong